Friday, October 6, 2017

Fall 2017 Schedule

Our fall games are as follows:

Oct 7th (Annual Alumni Game)-  At home on the practice football field.  This is an 8 year tradition of starting out the year in a scrimmage against our former players.  So far the cats have not been able to upset their former teammates although they have come close.  Is this the year that breaks the current streak of 7 years bad luck?  Game begins 11AM.  Students report to field by 10:45

October 14th (Head to head against Scranton Univ)-  At home on the main football field.For the past couple years our nearby friends from Scranton Univ come to our home in a scrimmage game to play and see how our two neighboring teams fare before we go to tournaments.  But teams give it their all, but at the end the two teams meet and discuss their strengths and weaknesses in order to improve both teams and keep NEPA ultimate strong.  Game starts at 10AM.  Students report to field by 9:45.

November 5th (Wilkes Invitational)- Away at Wilkes University.  It's hard to believe that 11 years ago, a college felt we were strong enough a team to be invited to their event.  This is always our one and only tournament of the fall and a great way to conclude our fall season.  We thank Wilkes for all the years of invites and look forward to this event once again.  Bus leaves for Wilkes at 6:15AM.  Students need to arrive to the Western Wayne HS parking lot by 6AM.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...